Opinion| Lawrence David| You can tell the growing desperation of the Deep State because their wholly owned public relations media assets have started making...
Opinion| Lawrence David| OAN has published a three-part expose on Democrats’ efforts to coordinate with corrupt Ukrainian officials. According to President Trump’s attorney, Rudy...
OPINION| Lawrence David| It’s long been the contention at Patriot Crier that under the leadership of the Clintons and Barack Obama every possible U.S....
“It’s The Economy, Stupid” – Bill Clinton Opinion| Lawrence David| There’s a reason that Bill Clinton, facing impeachment, won reelection on that slogan. When...
OPINION| Lawrence David| Terrific interview. U.S. Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) was the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee while the Obama intelligence apparatus plotted...
OPINION| Lawrence David| We should be well past the point of believing anything the mainstream Marxist media reports, especially when it continues defending House...
OPINION| Lawrence David| The Obama surveillance state lives on. Democrats love to cloak themselves as the defenders of human rights. Despite the cover provided...
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