Project Veritas keeps the hits rolling in with a leaked phone call from the Democratic Senate candidate, Krystle Matthews, in a phone call to a prison inmate at the Perry Correctional Institution in which she calls for secret sleeper candidates, which are Democrats who run as Republicans such as Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney. This is a page directly from the Democratic playbook. They use this in areas where they are unable to get away with stuffing the ballot box.
Krystle Matthews, a Democrat South Carolina State Rep. running for US Senate, said:
“We need some secret sleepers. Like you need them to run as the other side, even though they for our side. And we need them to win. We need people to run as Republicans in these local elections. This is the only way you’re gonna change the dynamics in South Carolina.”
“We can wreak havoc for real from the inside out. Then we can flip some sh*t from the inside out.”
She goes on to talk about money for her campaign in which she actually says she is anything but opposed to taking drug money:
“And I still gotta struggle to raise money for my campaign? Where the f*ck is my black people with money? I don’t care about no dope money! Give me that dope boy money!”
“Where the duffel bag boys?”
“Honestly, these ain’t the same type of black people that I grew up around. I don’t recognize these black people.”
“Listen, I can move in all kind of circles but I’m a n***** at heart…. I’m very much a n***** in a lot of ways, but I know how to turn it off and turn it on.”
This is one classy woman. I sure hope Tim Scott can beat her with all that dope money rolling in.
BREAKING: Leaked Call With Inmate Reveals SC Democrat State Rep & Senate Candidate @kmforsenate Calling For "#SecretSleepers" to Infiltrate @SCGOP; Advocates For ILLEGALLY Funding Campaign with "Dope Money"
"We can flip some sh*t from the inside out."
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) June 26, 2022

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