FBI agents were trying to serve a warrant to a man accused of child exploitation in Sunrise, Florida.
The man barricaded himself inside his home and opened fire. By the time the shooting ended, two FBI agents were killed and three more were wounded, but not seriously. The shooter is also dead.
No details on whether the FBI shot him or he committed suicide.
They are withholding the name of the shooter and the deceased agents.
Only two of the wounded officers were taken to the hospital and they are going to be fine.
The agents had arrived to serve a federal search warrant in order to arrest him for violence against children. That is a very heinous crime.
Exactly what he did has not been released yet but it could include sex crimes. It’s possible that the shooter realized he was in deep trouble and he committed suicide.
Sunrise is a suburb of Ft Lauderdale. After the shooting, the FBI and the local police swarmed the area.
FBI agents do not like it when their fellow agents are killed. They have a tendency to take it seriously. There are too many funerals in the United States for law enforcement officers.
The agents had arrived to serve a federal search warrant in connection with a case involving violent crimes against children, Leverock said.
Law enforcement agencies swarmed the neighborhood in the Fort Lauderdale suburb of Sunrise after the shooting. Another large contingent of officers gathered outside a Fort Lauderdale hospital where victims were taken, according to television video.
The shooting happened around 6 a.m. in a middle-class neighborhood of single family homes, duplexes and apartment buildings. Hours later, Sunrise Police urged residents of Water Terrace to remain inside their homes while law enforcement blocked the entrances to their community.

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