Cover Ups

OPINION| In a stunning one-minute clip, the entire US media’s propaganda game is exposed for all to see. This devastating video, which has gone...

Cover Ups

OPINION| In a shocking turn of events, the FBI is reportedly planning to grill former President Donald Trump about whether he was hit by a...

Cover Ups

OPINION| In a shocking turn of events, the FBI director, Christopher Wray, testified that former President Donald Trump might not have been hit by a...

Cover Ups

OPINION| In a not so shocking turn of events, it has been confirmed that the individual responsible for the assassination attempt on former President Donald...

Cover Ups

OPINION| In a bizarre twist that has left many Trump supporters scratching their heads, President Joe Biden recently delivered an address to the nation that...

Donald Trump

OPINION| In a stunning turn of events, Vice President Kamala Harris has agreed to go head-to-head with former President Donald Trump in a highly anticipated...

Cover Ups

OPINION| In a chilling revelation that has sent shockwaves through the nation, it has come to light that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man responsible for...

Cover Ups

OPINION| In a shocking revelation that has left many Trump supporters reeling, an FBI official has expressed disappointment over the fact that former President Donald...

Liberal Derangement

OPINION| In a stunning display of ignorance and disrespect, the Biden administration has announced its intention to rescind 20 Medal of Honor awards given to...

Cover Ups

OPINION| In a stunning display of transparency and commitment to the truth, Senator Chuck Grassley has released the full extent of bodycam footage obtained from...

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US Politics

Kirsters Baish| In some breaking news, it has been reported that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be resigning from her post at the...

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