
BREAKING: Hunter’s Trial EXPLODES After His Own Texts RUIN His Defense Narrative!

In a stunning turn of events, Hunter Biden’s defense strategy has been completely undermined by explosive text messages between him and an alleged drug dealer. The messages, which were revealed during his federal gun trial, show Hunter discussing his drug use and purchasing drugs from the dealer, despite his defense team’s claim that he was not a drug user at the time of the gun purchase.
The text messages, which were obtained by the prosecution, paint a damning picture of Hunter’s drug use and his relationship with the alleged drug dealer. In one message, Hunter asks the dealer for “a little something to get me through the day,” and in another, he discusses the quality of the drugs he received.
These revelations are a major blow to Hunter’s defense team, who had argued that he was not a drug user at the time of the gun purchase and therefore did not lie on the federal form. However, the text messages clearly show that Hunter was using drugs and obtaining them from a dealer, which directly contradicts his defense.
The prosecution has also presented evidence that Hunter was using drugs in the days leading up to the gun purchase, including a text message in which he asks the dealer for drugs on the day he purchased the gun. This evidence further undermines Hunter’s defense and makes it clear that he lied on the federal form.
The revelation of these text messages is a major embarrassment for Hunter and his defense team, and it raises serious questions about their credibility. It is clear that Hunter was not being truthful when he claimed that he was not a drug user at the time of the gun purchase, and his defense team’s argument has been completely destroyed.
As Trump supporters, we must not allow Hunter Biden to get away with this blatant lie. We must demand that he be held accountable for his actions and that the truth be revealed. The American people deserve to know the truth about Hunter Biden’s drug use and his relationship with an alleged drug dealer.
We must also demand that the mainstream media and the Democrats stop covering up for Hunter Biden and his family. They have been complicit in this cover-up, and it is time for them to be held accountable as well.
In 2024, we must elect leaders who will stand up for the truth and who will not be afraid to hold Hunter Biden and his family accountable for their actions. We must elect leaders who will put America first and who will fight for the values that made this country great.
The revelation of Hunter Biden’s explosive text messages is a major victory for the truth, and it is a reminder that no one is above the law. We must continue to demand the truth and hold Hunter Biden and his family accountable for their actions.
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