US Politics

🚨 Iconic Actor Dies Suddenly

It seems like these tragedies keep occurring day after day recently.

We have lost stars from Netflix shows and the iconic Seinfeld and Friends.

While I am not a fan of Hollywood it is always sad to hear of our fellow Americans passing too soon …

The Gateway Pundit is reporting:

‘Will & Grace’ star Leslie Jordan died after he crashed his car into a building in Hollywood on Monday.

According to TMZ, Leslie Jordan suffered a medical emergency before he crashed his BMW into a building in Hollywood.

LAPD said the accident happened around 9:30 am at Cahuenga Blvd and Romaine Street.

TMZ reported:

Leslie Jordan, the beloved actor and comedian has died.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Jordan was driving in Hollywood Monday morning when it’s suspected he suffered some sort of medical emergency and crashed his BMW into the side of a building

LJ became a social media sensation during the pandemic, with his silly video posts helping him skyrocket from about 80,000 Instagram followers to a whopping 5.8 million. He told us on “TMZ Live” his secret was just being himself — a silly, funny, goofy, happy-go-lucky senior citizen.

Following his viral pandemic fame, Leslie appeared on CNN’s New Year’s Eve 2021 countdown, ringing in 2022 with Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen.

Leslie Jordan posted a video of himself singing on his Instagram account on Sunday.

24 hours later he suffered a medical emergency and died in a car crash.

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