Barack Obama

🏳️‍🌈It’s Official, Barack Obama is Gay⚠️

Recently, former President Barack Obama voiced his opinion on the gay pornography industry. He took to Twitter to express his view that librarians should have access to a wide range of books and opinions.

His brother Malik then made a since-deleted tweet implying that Barack is gay, sparking debate about whether or not it was appropriate for Malik to speak out against his own brother.

This has caused outrage among conservatives who believe that such material should not be available to children in public libraries.

They see this as yet another example of the liberal agenda being pushed by the former president and those in power.

Sexually explicit books like “Gender Queer” contain pornographic photos which many people find inappropriate for children or even adults alike.

Conservatives view this as crossing a line where parents no longer have control over what their kids are exposed too and they want something done now!

Malik Obama has been quite vocal in his criticism of Barack, accusing him of becoming “cold and ruthless” after getting rich and wanting people to worship him instead of helping out family members back home in Kenya when they were in need.

This further supports the idea that Malik believes there is something wrong with Barack’s character which is why he publicly implied he was gay on social media.

The LGBTQ+ community are angry at Malik’s tweet as it implies homosexuality is something negative or wrong, while some argue that this could just be a case of one sibling being jealous of another’s success – regardless it shows how divided we can be as a nation even within our own families!

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