Government Corruption

BREAKING: Police Report Proves J6 Was a Setup!

UAFReport| Daniel|

There have been crooked things happen in Washington, D.C., over the years. Maybe it’s because of an inherent tendency for power to corrupt people. Possibly, there’s something in human nature that makes us thirst for more power once we’ve had a taste of a little authority. Whatever the reason, politicians seek power, and when they get it, they clutch hold of it.

Some will do anything to get it then keep it once they’ve got it. Certainly, political historians can point to a number of situations where this thirst for power has led to “less than noble ambitions” by our elected officials. Nevertheless, in today’s political environment, there is a faction of elected officials who will lie, cheat, and even steal an election to maintain control.

Some call them radicals. Insiders within their party use the word “progressives” to soften any reference to their twisted ideology. For simple purposes, they’re called “the left.” Maybe it’s to separate them from their colleagues on “the right.” America even uses colorful references for our two parties: blue for the left and red for the right.

On a U.S. ballot, this radical political ideology is denoted by the word “Democrat.” For most of our history, Democrats simply held a different set of governmental views than their Republican counterparts. Sure, it made for some contentious debate, but neither party seemed determined to outright destroy the other.

The two-party, democratic form of self-government was working perfectly. But as Americans began to realize a key difference between the two parties was the size and scope of the federal government, the “left” grew less and less popular. In a sense, they panicked. Many within the Democrat Party shifted even farther to the left.

Some even promote the dismantling of the “Great American Experiment.” They’re striving to destroy the two-party system and convert the U.S. to a single-party authoritarian style of government; a ruling elite similar to Communist China. Most Americans want nothing to do with socialism, let alone outright communism.

But that hasn’t stopped the radical left. Democrats have resorted to cheating, lying, and manipulating. While these characteristics may have been an unmentioned aspect of “the swamp,” in today’s contentious political divide, they are glaringly obvious. One man came along and tried to uproot the entrenched bureaucrats that have turned our nation’s capital into an inefficient, chaotic mess.

President Donald Trump became the biggest threat to these Washington insiders. Not only was he exposing the corruption, he was dismantling any realistic chance they’d realize their ultimate goal of altering the governmental structure of the U.S. After a surprising surge that took him to the White House; the left knew they had to stop President Trump.

They tried feverishly for the full four years of his first term. When the likelihood of a second term seemed a foregone conclusion, the left had to come up with a more sinister plan. Some believe it started with a peculiar virus that leaked from a virology lab in China. That sent the entire world into chaos. Of course, they blamed President Trump for that as well.

But when it appeared he had a solid chance of winning the 2020 presidential election, ensuring a second four years to fix the damage, the left concocted a scheme to make sure that did not happen. They cheated. However, the radical left couldn’t even do a good job of that. Too many patriotic Americans caught them red-handed.

Millions of Americans were furious. This was the biggest threat against the U.S. democracy in its history. But when the left became aware of a planned protest in early 2021, a demonstration to protest an obviously stolen election, they went to work devising another scheme to destroy President Trump.

Using corrupt federal agents, the left infiltrated an otherwise peaceful demonstration and turned it into a chaotic riot. It was all planned. Everything about January 6 was scripted. A new bombshell report reveals that the whole January 6 mess was staged. In a report from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department obtained by attorney Joe McBride, the left laid a trap for protesters.

The report proves that corrupt members of the House of Representatives, led by Nancy Pelosi, knew well in advance that there would be thousands of President Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6. They implanted federal agents to stoke the flames and create chaos. Capitol Police officers can be seen escorting protesters into the Capitol.

Now this report confirms that every stage of January 6 was a planned set-up. The left needed to create a riotous situation and then blame the chaos on President Trump. It almost worked. The left knew as well that if investigations into the 2020 presidential election were allowed to unfold, their cheating scheme would be exposed. They needed a diversion.

With what transpired on January 6, all staged by the radical left, they had both. They completely distracted everyone’s attention away from the election. The left also had a narrative that anyone who suggested voting improprieties was a conspiracy freak. But now they had something even bigger. Democrats said they had a president who attempted a coup to maintain power.

They did not. What happened was a coup, but not by the people whom Americans were told. January 6 was something akin to an insurrection. But it wasn’t by the people who were jailed and persecuted for petty violations. The coup was set in motion long before the first January 6 protester showed up in Washington, D.C.

January 6 was like a battle in an internal civil war for control of our country. The left is trying to seize power that the majority of Americans would never give them. The nation does not want to be a socialist model like Communist China. We want to be a free nation. But the battles are not over. The left will not give up easily.

However, Americans have one weapon that can prevent the need for more deadly measures. We must use it. The consequences of continued apathy towards big government corruption are going to lead us down a dark path. Another Civil War on American soil will make 1861 pale in comparison. The vote is still the only weapon citizens have to keep their freedom. We must use it.

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