It has been said, over and over and over and over again that ‘sunshine is the best disinfectant’, so it begs the question: “why the F*** are we not allowed to record the goings on at ballot drop boxes?”
Is this not the most basic way to ensure we catch and suspect behavior at voting points?
Well, what the hell do I know anyway, right?
Jim Hoft, founder of The Gateway Pundit is reporting:
Trump nominated Judge Michael Liburdi banned cameras at Arizona drop boxes on Tuesday until after the election.
Judge Liburdi banned Clean Elections USA from holding any future trainings.
Judge Liburdi forced Clean Elections USA to post a notice on their social media accounts that reads: “Any past statement that it is always illegal to deposit multiple ballots in a ballot drop box is incomplete; a family member, household member, or caregiver can legally do so.”
Judge Liburdi also banned cameras or videotaping of any ballot trafficker at a drop box.
According to far left local reporter Brahm Resnik, “Federal Judge Michael Liburdi in Phoenix slaps a temporary restraining order on Clean Elections USA: No yelling, no body armor, no video at ballot drop boxes & more.”
BREAKING Federal Judge Michael Liburdi in Phoenix slaps temporary restraining order on Clean Elections USA: No yelling, no body armor, no video at ballot drop boxes & more. Details:
— Brahm Resnik (@brahmresnik) November 2, 2022

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