
Trey Gowdy Pulls a “Drop the Mic Moment” On Whoopi Goldberg’s Anti-Semantic Comments

Trey Gowdy has rapidly matured into one of America’s most respected conservative voices. The former U.S. congressman served eight years as the representative from South Carolina’s 4th congressional district.

During his tenure, he was the Chair of the House Oversight Committee. Gowdy was also a highly respected and extremely successful federal prosecutor. Now, the Greenville, South Carolina-born is the new Sunday Night in America host on FOX News.

However, it was a recent appearance on FOX News’ “Outnumbered” where Gowdy went viral. Liberal loony Whoopi Goldberg was at it again on “The View”. Once again, Goldberg proved that money and fame do not necessarily equal intelligence.

The famous Hollywood celebrity has made a living off of boneheaded liberal comments. Her latest targeted the “Holocaust”. No one in their right mind would even try to insinuate that the horrific ethnic attack on Jewish people during the 1930s and 1940s in Germany was not about race.

To say, like Whoopi did, that the Holocaust was not racist is absolutely senseless. Trey Gowdy thought so as well, and he called the radical lib out for her arrogant ignorance. Gowdy started by saying, “You know, I have a couple of pretty simple rules in life.”

He continued, “Don’t ever compare anything to slavery, don’t ever compare anything to the Holocaust, and if you’re a man, don’t compare anything to pregnancy. That’s rule number one.” Gowdy his condemnation of Goldberg’s ignorance by saying, “Rule number two: if you’re going to apologize, then just apologize. Don’t explain it, don’t try to mitigate it, apologize and ask for forgiveness.”

The former South Carolina Congressman wasn’t finished. “And number three, as a culture; we have got to do a better job of figuring out who is just famous and who actually knows what he or she is talking about, ’cause sometimes we confuse the two.”

Number three seemed to be a “drop the mic moment” targeted at Goldberg. Gowdy kept his comments professional by insisting, “I actually like Whoopi,” Gowdy added. “She was the nicest person to me on ‘The View’ when I went on, which ain’t saying that much, but she was nice.”

He finished his explanation of what he thought were senseless insensitive comments by saying, “But, those were two of the darkest chapters in the history of mankind, the Holocaust and slavery. So, Whoopi, act, but don’t weigh in on the Holocaust, or slavery, or domestic violence. Just give all three of those a pass.”

Outnumbered host Harris Faulkner was spot-on with her quick reply. Faulkner replied to Gowdy’s poignant remarks by boasting, “Wow, wow, who got hit by that dropped mic?” That’s exactly what it was. A perfectly orchestrated slashing of another ignorant liberal trying to express ideas and opinions about something they obviously know nothing about.

Goldberg still has not taken accountability for her racist comments. To somehow insist that the Holocaust was not about racism because they were both white ethnicities is absolutely atrocious. It just proves how bigoted and idiotic these liberal talking heads in the mainstream media can be.

Anti-Semitism is not a theory. It’s a form of racism. However, when black people want to pigeonhole their narrative, they lump all white races into a collective bag. It simply proves their ignorance. Well, Trey Gowdy called one idiotic liberal out for her stupidity. Then he dropped the mic on her. Way to go, Trey!


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