Even after President Donald J. Trump warned people that US Marshalls were going to be observing the election, people still broke election laws in plain sight and it is finally starting to come out, including clear video footage of the wrongdoers- doing the wrong things.
“The big lie; is getting exposed.. True the Vote submitted a complaint to Raffensperger’s office on November 30 that details digital data of 242 people making visits to drop boxes to dump mail-in-ballots, with about 40 percent of the trips occurring between midnight and 5:00 a.m,” one political watcher reported on Twitter, on Saturday.
An update to a Jan. 6th report about alleged practice of Ballot Harvesting, by a Whistleblower- has gotten some video support this weekend, leading many people to believe that at least 6 states will soon be exposed for illegal election schemes.
The update was found posted on Telegram, on Saturday, with the following- Just the news article and video:
Georgia Opens Investigation Into Possible Illegal Ballot Harvesting in 2020 Election | Just the News
“Secretary of State Raffensperger says subpoenas could be forthcoming. Georgia authorities have launched an investigation into an allegation of systematic ballot harvesting during the state’s 2020 general election and subsequent U.S. Senate runoff and may soon issue subpoenas to secure evidence, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger confirmed to Just the News.”
And this video could be some early proof of those claims:
Watch as a man approaches a ballot drop-off box, stopping to take a photo of a bag full of alleged ballots. That is esp. noteworthy after a whistleblower told the story of how he made money by doing the same thing.
The source of the video was attributed to True the Vote.
True the Vote has complied layers evidence of organized ballot tracking in 6 states. In Georgia, they allege there were 242 traffickers who made 5,662 trips to ballot drop boxes between the early morning hours of 12AM and 5AM, potentially unloading hundreds of thousands of illegally harvested ballots over the course of several weeks.
On Friday, VoterGA’s David Cross shared an example of True the Vote’s surveillance footage. Heather Mullins commented on Telegram:
“BREAKING! GEORGIA! Video appears to show illegal ballot harvester in Gwinnett County on Oct 12, 2020! He fans out ballots, takes a photo, & places them in the dropbox. It’s been reported that illegal ballot harvesters were paid $10 per ballot, & had to show proof.”
Sources David Cross, @talkmullins
Related Magnum Opus of Ballot Trafficking, Ballot Trafficking Whistleblower Is a Game Changer
Learn more GA Thread
The Gateway Pundit reported, earlier in January, about a True The Vote and a War Room report about the ballots and what it means for the 2020 election:
“This morning John Fredericks told Steve Bannon on The War Room that the Georgia ballot trafficking whistleblower reportedly admitted to making $45,000 for stuffing Georgia ballot boxes from 2 to 5 AM in the morning. He was just one of 242 alleged ballot traffickers identified by the True the Vote investigation. There is a possibility of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots that were stuffed into the ballot boxes in Georgia!
Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote released a statement on Wednesday. Catherine sent us a copy and we are posting here:
After a year’s worth of research and analysis, True the Vote submitted three official complaints to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office regarding occurrences in the 2020 General and 2021 Run-off Elections.
As a result, on January 3, 2022, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced a statewide investigation into ballot trafficking in Georgia.
You can read more about the announcement here – Georgia Opens Investigation Into Possible Illegal Ballot Harvesting in 2020 Election
Shockingly similar findings will soon be released to appropriate authorities in five additional states.
This statement is the limit of our public comments at this time so as not to impede investigative efforts currently underway. We will continue to provide updates directly to you in email and on our website.
Thank you all for your patience and continued support. Keep the faith. God bless America.
In 1940, Winston Churchill delivered a speech to the House of Commons. He brought news of developments that marked a turning point in the war. In the course of his comments, he made a prescient observation, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Today, our observation is the same. It is not the end, but it is the end of the beginning. Please stay connected, there is still much work to be done.
Ever onward –
** You can donate to True the Vote here.
This story is developing…
To read more about the surveillance of the 2020 Election- check out this article to go down a rabbit hole:
They were warned… here is my article from Oct. 2020.

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