US Politics

OMG Scale Of Biden Fraud In AZ Is Mind Boggling … ‘Absolute Proof’?!

During the Maricopa county audit, Cyber Ninjas were unable to identify 86,391 voters. Democrats and no selected party votes made up a whopping 73.8% of the votes or 63,757 ballots total. Not selecting a party makes monitoring of nefarious registrations nearly impossible to verify.

Even the new registration forms include only three categories, R, D, and other.

Cyber Ninjas used Melissa Personator which is arguably the best program for confirmation of the citizenship of Americans and Canadians. It searches various databases including USPS and the Social Security databases.

Since Social Security lists everyone’s name, DOB, SS#, and addresses, there is no reason why legitimate voters cannot be found using the program. All voters should be readily listed except for the possible exceptions of illegal aliens.

Remember, these numbers are in addition to the 50,000 plus duplicate votes. They make no consideration the database might have been manipulated, but know it was hacked on Nov. 5th, 2020. If the Senate had just subpoenaed  Maricopa’s VRAS servers and tasked CyFIR in order to investigate further, we would know much more than we do now.

From The Gateway Pundit

In March 2017 the new Maricopa Recorder disclosed that tens of thousands of unprocessed voter registration forms were sitting in stacked boxes in their office. Helen Purcell (Republican) had been the Recorder up to this point and was replaced 2 months earlier by Democrat activist Adrian Fontes. These boxes were voter applicants who couldn’t provide proof of U.S. citizenship or identity. They were notified by mail to provide additional documentation and the forms had been held indefinitely. Why?

Arizona’s Prop 200 was passed in 2004. To register to vote, citizens were now required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship and identity. Arizona changed its State registration form to accommodate the new law. Democrats resisted and started using the Federal Voter Registration Form, which doesn’t require proof of U.S. citizenship. In 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that AZ must accept this Federal Form. However, those voters would only receive ballots that list Federal candidates – President and Congress. These are classified as “Federal Only” voters in AZ. It’s bullshit. Democrats exclusively use the Fed Form in AZ to bypass citizenship and other ID issues.

Voter registrations between the 2018 and the 2020 elections jumped by an unbelievable 13.1. That’s 340,676 new voter registrations in just 2 years. That is unheard of in a state the size of Arizona.


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