The US Senate Intelligence Committee had an open hearing on Wednesday to receive testimony about Cultural Marxism and other tactics the Chinese Communist Party is using to successfully take the United States of America apart, with the help of greedy lawmakers who have accepted bribes to give the foreign military powers access to institutions and citizens through small business, private sector, and the education sector.
Key Point: The Federal Government knows we are in grave danger and facing a Chinese infiltration. The Intelligence Committee agreed with DNI Director Ratcliff on December 4, 2020 about the threats the USA faces from China. Read Statement. Wednesday’s hearing extends those concerns.
Even leftist leaning The Hill reported on the hearing:
The threats, according to the officials, include Chinese counterintelligence activities such as cyberattacks against U.S. companies and critical organizations, malign influence and stealing billions of dollars in U.S. intellectual property.
“The Intelligence Committee … doesn’t normally hold open hearings, but Vice Chairman [Marco] Rubio [R-Fla.] and I believe this story needs to get out to the American public,” Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner (D-Va.) testified at a committee hearing on Chinese threats Wednesday.
Rubio also strongly stressed the need to confront China on its efforts to undermine the U.S., particularly on technological issues.
“The members of this committee on a regular basis review some of the most sensitive intelligence, both intelligence and the products that come from them, that this government has available to it,” Rubio testified. “So I think it should send a powerful message when you see that on issue after issue relating to China … that it is members of this committee that you see in the lead.”
Jacob Fromer reported for
Former US national security officials warn Congress of pervasive Chinese threats
The Senate Intelligence Committee holds rare public hearing featuring discussions about the influence Beijing has gained over multiple sectors of US society
‘The US private sector and academia have become the geopolitical battle space for China,’ ex-counter-intelligence leader says
Former US national security advisers warned lawmakers on Wednesday that American investors, businesses and graduate schools must do more to protect the US against the Chinese government’s pervasive influence operations.
“The United States and other free societies have belatedly woken up to this contest, and there‘s a welcomed spirit of bipartisanship that’s emerged on Capitol Hill,” said Matt Pottinger, who served as deputy national security adviser under President Donald Trump.
Jeff Seldin, a reporter for Voice Of America tweeted during the hearing:
During a hearing on national security threats from China, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) says “a number of potential witnesses declined to participate in an open format for fear of retribution” by the Chinese government.
— The Recount (@therecount) August 4, 2021
“Happening now: Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on China “A number of potential witnesses declined to participate in an open format for fear of retribution to them or their families” per Chairman Mark Warner. “The long arm of China is not some futuristic threat. It’s already here” per Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chair Marco Rubio. “China already, already has tremendous influence & control over what Americans are allowed to hear or say” per Marco Rubio,” Seldin reported live from the Senate hearing.
🔴 LIVE: Hearing on China's Long Arm: Threats to US National Security
— NTD News (@news_ntd) August 4, 2021
“Hollywood is so desperate for example to have their movies shown in China that Hollywood won’t make a movie that the Chinese communist censors won’t approve,” Marco Rubio said.
“The US private sector & academia have become the geopolitical battle space for China” former NCSC director Bill Evanina tells lawmakers”.
“Are we really competing?” former director Bill Evanina asks, pointing to the volume of China‘s intellectual property theft “To effectively defend against China & compete effectively, we must put the same effort into this threat as we did to combat terrorism the past 20 years” per former director Bill Evanina.
“China‘s communist party “now compiles dossiers on millions of foreign citizens around the world using the material that it gathers” per former White House deputy national adviser Matt Pottinger
“China‘s targeted propaganda “focused not just on promoting whitewashed narratives of Beijing‘s policies but also increasingly on exacerbating social tensions w/in the United States & other target nations” per Pottinger.
“China engaged in “overt propaganda as well as what I would call more shadowy schemes” in relation to #COVID19 at start of the pandemic, per former WH adviser Pottinger “….designed to create distrust & a lack of faith in democracy as a whole”
“China has amassed the largest genomic holdings of anywhere in the world” @CSETGeorgetown‘s Anna Puglisi tells lawmakers.
” Evanina tells lawmakers it is “common practice” for China to target low-level US lawmakers & officials to get them in their pocket as they rise through the ranks.”
“W/#DNA, #China “will use front companies…to set up stations to collect COVIDsamples & fertility clinics” per Evanina “Every single time you do that, you’re giving away all your data…”
“Evanina says US must protect US medical diagnostic companies from being acquired by China, because it will allow Beijing to get more genetic data.
“China employs “nontraditional collectors” some of whom are “unwittingly working for the Communist Party” per Evanina “They don’t know that they’re an agent of a foreign power”
“Oftentimes they can conduct high level research, at a ceramics lab or an institute, & then get a phone call one day by someone back home” per Evanina re: #China‘s use of researchers, others for espionage.”

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