Who knew that Hunter Biden was such an renaissance man?
First is comes out that he is using a $30k a month loft as an art studio in LA, now he has a book deal.
The crack addict and strip club lover has ironically named his book ‘Beautiful Things’, perhaps after his sister, perhaps not.
It must be nice to be a Biden … Money for nothing and your drugs for free …
Fox News is reporting:
‘White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday that President Biden supports his son Hunter’s recently announced book, which will be published in April and focus on his history of substance abuse.
“Beautiful Things” was acquired in the fall of 2019, the Associated Press reported and will focus on Hunter Biden’s struggles with substance abuse. The younger Biden’s finances are currently under investigation by the Department of Justice.
We admire our son Hunter’s strength and courage to talk openly about his addiction so that others may see themselves in his journey and find hope,” Psaki said, reading a statement from the president and first lady Jill Biden, written in their personal capacity as his parents. “This is a personal book about his own personal journey.”
Psaki did not answer a question about whether the book will be subject to any pre-publication clearance review. Similar processes have raised high-profile questions about the contents of books published by former Trump administration officials, including former Trump national security adviser John Bolton.
Hunter Biden’s book will be published by Simon & Schuster, the same publishing house that dropped Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., from a book deal over Hawley’s objection to the certification of electoral votes from Pennsylvania. The protest of the votes led to a pro-Trump mob attacking the U.S. Capitol.’
So let me get this straight, if you are a crack addicted grifter who allegedly sells access to hostile foreign powers to ‘The Big Guy’ and reportedly own 10% of a CCP connected investment fund (and your Dad happens to have been a US Senator for decades and then VP and now President) you get a book deal.
If you are one of the youngest United States Senators in history, a former Attorney General of a State, and dare to support an audit of the voting totals, you have your book deal cancelled.
There are two distinct segments of society being formed right now. Those on the left, who can get away with anything, and face no consequences.
Then there are those of us on the so called ‘right’. We can be spied on, falsely accused, and thrown in jail (Flynn, Stone) for nothing.
When one segment of the population lives under one set of rules, and the rest of the nation, under another, that is the very definition of tyranny.

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