Liberal Derangement

AYFKM!? ‘The View’s’ Behar Actually Suggests Forcing Every Student To Do WHAT Over COVID?!

Yes, I know Joy Behar is smarter than I am but you have to understand that I am at a disadvantage. I didn’t have the opportunity to spend seven years in high school as she did.

Even so, her plan for schools in the United States makes as much sense as holding a Weight Watchers meeting at Chucky Cheese. She wants the students and the teachers to redo the entire school year.

That punishes students, teachers, and parents alike.

Almost half of the school year has already happened and to jettison that away just to start over again next fall seems like folly to me. We could take this one step more and argue that all schools should reopen.

Democrats always claim they listen to the experts but the experts say that opening the schools is safe. Certainly, a lot of schools have reopened without any kind of surge at all.

People had some choice comments about Behar’s idea:

“Yes, it is far out to punish the schools and students who have safely reopened by arbitrarily making them repeat the year,” one person said.

“Regression is the progressive way,” another person mocked.

“Absolutely not. I’m a teacher and have busted my back teaching this year virtually and that is like telling all of us nothing we do right now matters, and it was all for nothing,” another person responded.

“My kids went back in August and not 1 case. Now we have kids out there committing suicide not to mention what their home life is like. Send them back to school. As the dems say…. Follow the science!!” another person said.

“Living is so fraught with anxiety and uncertainty. Why not just have everyone stop living? Is that such a far out idea?” another person mocked.

There are consequences to remote teaching. Studies have shown that students do much worse under those conditions.

The number of kids failing has doubled and tripled all across the country.

That’s inexcusable even if it is easily believable.

Nothing beats a hands-on approach to teaching.

There is no personal touch or teacher being able to spend a little more time with those who need it.


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