US Politics

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Reads Off List of Trump Allies Targeted, Harassed and Subpoenaed by Biden Regime

How this is not the top story on every single so called ‘news network’ is beyond me.

We have the ruling political party, which gained office by anything but obviously clean means, abusing their power and threatening the opposition party with prison time.

This is the stuff that banana republics are made of … combine it with double digit inflation and … oh, wait, we are on the verge of that too …

Jim Hoft, founder of the Gateway Pundit reported:

On the Anniversary of the 9-11 Islamist Attacks on America Democrats Democrats and their media organized announced that the political opposition is now the greatest threat to America and as dangerous at the Islamic terrorists on 9-11.

Kamala Harris and others announced this on Sunday, the 21st anniversary of 9-11.

On 9-11, Kamala Harris Compares the Islamists Behind the Sept. 11 Attacks to the Threat of Trump Supporters (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson opened his Monday show displaying these shocking comments by the Democrat leaders. They have demonized American citizens as their new enemy and will act accordingly.

Last Friday we learned that up to 50 Trump supporters had their homes raided or were subpoenaed by Joe Biden’s DOJ. Attorney Harmeet Dhillon went on with Tucker Carlson to discuss the mass FBI raids and subpoenas of Trump supporters.

On Monday Tucker Carlson released the names of several top Trump supporters who were subpoenaed last week by Joe Biden’s DOJ in their ongoing harassment campaign of political opponents.

According to Tucker Carlson the following Trump supproters were caught up in this political purge.

** Kylie Kremer
** Amy Kremer
** Bernie Kerik, former NYC Police Commissioner
** Boris Epshteyn, attorney for President Trump
** Matt Morgan
** Justin Clark
** Adam Chesborough
** Mike Roman
** Joshua Finland, RNC official
** John Eastman, Trump Attorney
** Jenna Ellis, Trump Attorney
** Joe deGenova
** Rudy Giuliani
** Sidney Powell
** Victoria Toensing
** Cleta Mitchell
** Stephen Miller
** State Rep. Jake Hoffman
** Former Rep. Lou Barletta

And dozens of others.

The Biden DOJ is demanding all correspondence from these people on unconstitutional and unlawful grounds.

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