US Politics

ALERT! Alabama Accepted XEROXED Ballots!

This past weekend, Mike Lindell hosted the Moment of Truth Summit in Springfield, MO.  At this event, activists and voter integrity experts were able to reveal what they found out about the 2020 election. First up was Alabama, a deep red state.  Angela Sheppard and Jackson Slyle presented for Alabama. Their 6 min. presentation can be viewed here.

Here are some highlights:

-In one county in Alabama, the ES&S voting machine accepted Xeroxed copy of a mail-in ballot during Logic and Accuracy testing.

-Rather than address this very serious vulnerability. the ES&S representative told them there’s no way people would do this and that you would see people feeding xeroxed ballots through the machines.

-They decided to try this experiment in another county (believed to be Baldwin County) and took a ballot to a print shop to make copies.  The print shop should have refused to print copies of a legal US ballot, but rather asked “how many copies do you need?” instead.

-The machines in a second county accepted xeroxed copies.  Better yet: these ballots were “shaped” to fit with scissors and still accepted!

-It should be made into law that a print shop cannot knowingly print copies of an official ballot now that we know these machines will accept a copied (counterfeit) ballot.

-Seven different precincts in their investigation had more votes than voters when comparing the Ballot Accounting Certificates with the tabulator tapes.

This is troubling indeed because they can take one vote and turn it into 1,000. And the fact that a printer would not object to running off as many copies as you wish is disturbing and calls into question the legitimacy of elections where these machines are used.

From The Gateway Pundit

This past weekend, Mike Lindell hosted the Moment of Truth Summit in Springfield, MO.  Election integrity activists and experts from around the country had the opportunity to present their individual states and discrepancies they’ve found.  Throughout this week, The Gateway Pundit will be highlighting some of these states and their findings here on the website.

Many of these states you may have thought “well, at least we have _______.  That’s a GOP stronghold.  It’s fire engine red!”  But you may be shocked to find out how even the reddest of states can be manipulated utilizing these machines and unclean voter rolls.  Election integrity should never be a partisan issue.

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