
Two Black Women Call for Return to Corporate Sponsored Segregation for Blacks and Trans

Two Black women had a great idea to start a new business where they would sell accreditation in being ‘master virtue signalers’ by displaying stickers they produce which will identify people who agree with them and by creating a corporate-sponsored segregation movement based on a 1932 Booklet that will discriminate between business and people who do not agree with their agenda.

They want people to acknowledge their privilege and wear or post a sticker that they have been properly accredited by Inclusive Journeys as caring about marginalized people.

Posted on their site, they provide:

  • Resources to help businesses self-audit for inclusiveness
  • Resources to help businesses improve
  • Referrals to Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity trainers

What the two women want is freedom, liberty and safety for “people of marginalized identities’ who are not White or Heterosexual and non-Transgender,  by shackling people with the burdens of shaming other people who have not devoted their lives to promoting a message.  A message that appears to be very similar to Black Lives Matter.

“At Inclusive Journeys, we believe all people should be treated with respect and dignity.  We believe that all people have the right to move through their lives in safe and welcoming environments. We believe all people should have spaces where they find themselves represented, reflected and celebrated in a way that is authentic to their identity. While this is not true today we will not stop this work until this dream is a reality,” according to Inclusive Journeys website.

Their Go Fund Me, after two weeks of getting wide media, was so successful that Inclusive Journeys is an LLC and has gotten free advertisement from the following corporations:

9News, ABC News, The Black Media Authority, The AP, Black News.com, Chron, CPR News, Fairfield Citizen, Far From Home, National Geographic,  News Break, SFGate, US World and News, Western Slope.com,

The company sells a sticker to display that participants will commit their lives, their thoughts and deeds and fortunes to the group’s message that participants have admitted their guilt and error of their ways when not acting on behalf of Inclusive Journey’s message, which is a return to “White Privilege”, and extension to American Privilege and Heterosexual, and Non-Trans Privilege:

All people should be safe, happy and free as long as they agree with Inclusive Journeys,  From their site:

Recall, their business is selling Stickers that depict a quilt.

The logo was created by a white woman, who is an “ally” and took her cues from the Underground Railroad.

“IMPORTANT: Displaying a Quilt Code sticker does not mean you are perfect. None of us are. What it does mean is that you are committed to the following:

1. Ongoing self-education about conscious and unconscious bias
2. Self-examination and reflection
3. Openness to acknowledging the ways you play a role in the oppression of others
4. Using any and all privileges you have to actively counter injustice and oppression of others, regardless of their identity
5. Ensuring the space around you is safe and welcoming for people of all marginalized identities
6. Commitment to self educate or receive training on de-escalation strategies in order to appropriately intervene in situations where people of marginalized identities are being harmed
7. Understand that this is a symbol of safety to people of marginalized identities, and with that comes a moral obligation to be an active ally.
8. Acknowledging that people of marginalized identities may not immediately place their trust in you, simply because you display this sticker. Trust is earned through further direct action.”

The two women say their concept is based upon a book from a time period when people were forced to be segregated by race, titled The Negro Green Book.

From the company’s press release, “Historically, the Green Book was used to teach Black travelers how to navigate racism where it wasn’t clearly posted. It turns out, in 2020, we still need that,” says Egli. “Racism is so ingrained into us all that many individuals don’t even acknowledge to themselves that they are practicing racial bias. The Digital Green Book will hold businesses and public spaces accountable not only or their intent but for their impact.

Egli and McMullen-Bushman are creating the Digital Green Book as a labor of love – and necessity – in providing a modern version of Victor H. Green’s guide. Both women are working mothers with full-time careers, so the project is being crowdfunded through a GoFundMe Campaign to hire a developer, and will rely on crowdsourced information about inclusive
businesses, upholding and reflecting the tradition of the original Green Book.”

We contacted the company for a statement about the dangers of ignoring the positive impacts of the Civil Rights movements of the past and re-introducing a painful period in our history as if nothing had changed, and in fact calling for a return to segregation.   We will update if we receive anything.


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