Ironically, at times of increasing demands by Democrat politicians that everyone be forced to wear facemasks (PPE), Democrats in academia, public policy, education, and media have formed a coalition of partnerships to push the messaging that increased masks in landfills are racist.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 9, 2020
Monday, a group of three students published an article for Med Page Today, about how racist Medical Waste is, claiming “disposal methods [of mostly face masks] are threatening minority communities.”
“This [racism] stems from various systemic inequities, including heightened chronic disease due to urban food deserts and restricted green space. A critical but less-publicized factor is the environmental impact on vulnerable populations, specifically via waste generation.”
So the new problem for minorities, according to these college students is desert, congested city spaces and garbage.
The authors; an Ivy League history student, a second-year medical student and one Junior in public policy see ethical concerns in the increased disposal of facemasks and wrote, “the recent upsurge in use of personal protective equipment (PPE), plus greater consumption of hospital materials in general, translates to increased waste production.
Whether this solid waste is destined for landfills or incineration, the health implications most strongly affect low-income and minority populations that live and work near waste treatment sites. This connection between health, the environment, and social inequities exemplifies environmental racism,” they wrote.
In other words, the demand for increased use of facial masks is raising new racism in public spaces, which is basically that throwing the masks away in crowded city spaces near people who eat Urban food, is discriminatory and needs a new public policy campaign to end the injustice and new messaging.
The students took the opportunity to establish the way they want things done, citing that when the Pandemic “first appeared in Wuhan, the Chinese government built medical waste plants alongside its new hospitals to manage the sixfold increase in demand.”
Remember these are students concerned with ethics.
The parent company of Med Page Today is J2 Global, who according to their website “is a leading Internet information and services company consisting of a portfolio of brands including IGN, Mashable, Humble Bundle, Speedtest, PCMag,, Spiceworks, Everyday Health, BabyCenter and What To Expect in its Digital Media business and eFax, eVoice, iContact, Campaigner, VIPRE, IPVanish and KeepItSafe in its Cloud Services business. J2 reaches over 180 million people per month across its brands.”
The Grassroots Marketing Platform, J2Global, is responsible for helping to fund the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement and is also responsible for developing Marxist leaning news headlines, that, of course, support the agenda and mission of Black Lives Matter non-profit campaign on a variety of topics including, “Technology, Health, Communications, Security and Small Business,” according to their website.
For example, in the pursuit of “advancing racial justice,” J2Global provides segregated medical training called #BlackHealthFacts, from their health partners Everyday Health, which is described as “a recognized leader in patient and provider information services that attracts an engaged audience of more than 57 million health consumers and more than 800,000 U.S. practicing physicians and clinicians” includes propaganda like the following meme which states that “Racist experiences bring on an increase in inflammation in African Americans”:
A closer look at the fine details of this meme expose that concept of inflammation from racism is based on the study of Psychology called psychoneuroimmunology.
In other words, it is all in their heads.
What is dangerous is that these techniques of turning medical science into grassroots activism for Democrats and Marxists have influenced our medical and educational institutions.
These organizing and fundraising techniques, using propaganda media headlines, has no doubt caused a lower quality of medical care for all Americans.
On the flip side, claiming that disposing of face masks is Environmental Racism will help establish a need for “Environmental Justice”, which is good for Democrats to promote their New Green Deal.
“Democrats are promising the creation of an environmental justice fund as part of the proposals outlined by the radical Biden-Sanders unity platform released this week,” Breitbart News reported.
Democrats constantly invent new problems, convince people to embrace the problems, and then find the solutions to their fake problems.
It almost feels as if the whole thing is a setup, doesn’t it?`

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