Donald Trump

VIDEO: New Trump Ad Goes VIRAL … OMG This Will Secure A LANDSLIDE!

OPINION| Fellow Patriots, hold onto your MAGA hats, because the Trump campaign has just released a new ad that’s got everyone talking! Titled “Who Is Laughing Now,” this ad is a hilarious takedown of the Biden administration’s failures and a stark reminder of the dangers of a Kamala Harris presidency.

The ad starts with a montage of Joe Biden stumbling through speeches, forgetting where he is, and generally making a fool of himself. It’s a sight that’s become all too familiar to us, but seeing it all in one place really drives home the point that this man is not fit to lead our great nation.

But the real kicker comes when the narrator asks, “Vote Joe Biden today, get Kamala Harris tomorrow.” That’s right, folks, if Biden wins, we’ll be stuck with Kamala Harris as our president. And let me tell you, that’s a terrifying thought.

The ad then goes on to show clips of Harris dodging questions, flip-flopping on her positions, and generally being the kind of politician that makes you want to pull your hair out. It’s a stark reminder of the kind of leadership we can expect from a Harris presidency, and it’s not pretty.

But here’s the thing, my fellow Trump supporters: this ad isn’t just funny, it’s also a wake-up call. We can’t afford to let Biden and Harris win this election. We need to stand up, speak out, and support President Trump as he fights for our country and our way of life.

The stakes have never been higher, and the choice has never been clearer. Do we want four more years of Biden’s bumbling incompetence and Harris’s radical left-wing agenda, or do we want to continue the great work that President Trump has started?

The answer is clear, my friends. We need to stand with President Trump and fight for our country. We need to make sure that “Who Is Laughing Now” doesn’t become a reality. We need to keep America great, and that starts with re-electing President Trump in 2024.

So let’s get out there, let’s spread the word, and let’s make sure that the only ones laughing on election day are the ones who voted for President Trump. Together, we can make a difference, and together, we can keep America great.

In the end, it all comes down to trust. Do we trust the Biden-Harris ticket to lead our country, or do we trust President Trump to continue fighting for us? The choice is clear, my friends. Let’s stand with President Trump and show the world that we won’t be fooled by their lies and manipulations.

Together, we can Make America Great Again!

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