US Politics

Matt Gaetz Exposes CNN Debate Mod CHEATING For Biden During Debate! [VIDEO]

OPINION| Well, well, well, fellow Trump supporters, it seems like CNN’s Dana Bash has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar… or should I say, her hand in the air during a presidential debate.

According to a recent video shared by none other than Rep. Matt Gaetz, it appears that Bash was using hand signals to communicate with Joe Biden during the debate. Yes, you heard that right. Hand signals. In a presidential debate.

Now, I’m not saying that Bash was trying to help Biden cheat or anything like that. I mean, who would ever think that a CNN anchor would do something so underhanded? But the video is pretty damning.

In the video, Bash can be seen pointing to her right in the direction of Joe Biden. Now, I’m no expert in body language, but it sure looks like she was trying to signal something to him. Maybe she was telling him to keep his cool, or maybe she was giving him a heads up about an upcoming question. Who knows?

But here’s the thing, my fellow Trump supporters. We can’t let this kind of behavior slide. We need to hold the media accountable for their actions, and we need to demand transparency and fairness in our political debates.

And let’s not forget about the bigger picture here. The Democrats are desperate to defeat President Trump in 2024, and they’ll stop at nothing to achieve their goal. They’ll use every dirty trick in the book, and they’ll even resort to using hand signals during a presidential debate.

But here’s the good news, my friends. We have President Trump on our side, and he’s not afraid to call out the Democrats’ dirty tricks. He’s not afraid to stand up for what’s right, and he’s not afraid to fight for the American people.

So, let’s keep fighting the good fight, my fellow Trump supporters. Let’s keep exposing the Democrats’ dirty tricks, and let’s keep supporting President Trump as he leads us to victory in 2024.

In the words of President Trump himself, “We will Make America Great Again, and we will do it with or without the Democrats’ help.”

So, let’s stay strong, my fellow Trump supporters. Let’s keep fighting for the America we know and love. And let’s never forget that we are the party of the American people, and we will never let them down.

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