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Hidden Video From Debate Reveals What Jill Had To Do To Get Joe Off The Stage … OMG [VIDEO]

OPINION| TOLD YA SO!  The first presidential debate of 2024 has left the nation in shock and awe. But not for the reasons you might think. While President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump engaged in a battle of wits and words, it was Jill Biden who stole the show with her daring rescue mission.
As the debate came to a close, the cameras panned to the stage, where a confused and disoriented Joe Biden seemed to be frozen in time. It was a sight to behold, as if someone had pressed the pause button on the President’s cognitive abilities. But fear not, for Jill Biden was there to save the day!
With the grace and poise of a seasoned superhero, Jill swooped in to guide her husband off the stage. It was a moment that will go down in history, as the First Lady of the United States demonstrated her unparalleled skills in the art of dementia management.
Twitter exploded with reactions, as users shared their thoughts on the spectacle. One user wrote, “Jill Biden led Joe Biden off the stage after the debate. This is what America will be after the Democrats & Deep State install handicapped Joe on the American stage.” Another user added, “As the debate finished, Donald Trump walked off stage while First Lady Jill Biden rushes out to help President Biden off the stage.”
The contrast between the two candidates could not have been more stark. While Trump strutted off the stage with the confidence of a man who had just won the Super Bowl, Biden shuffled off with the uncertainty of a man who had just lost his car keys. It was a sight that left many wondering if the President was truly fit for office.
But let’s not forget the real hero of the night: Jill Biden. Without her quick thinking and decisive action, who knows what could have happened? Would Joe have wandered off into the audience, asking for directions to the nearest ice cream parlor? Would he have attempted to give an impromptu speech, only to forget his own name? The possibilities are endless, and terrifying.
In the end, it was a night that will be remembered for years to come. Not for the political discourse or the exchange of ideas, but for the image of Jill Biden guiding her husband off the stage, like a mother leading her child by the hand. It was a moment that perfectly encapsulated the state of the Biden presidency: confused, disoriented, and in need of constant supervision.

As the nation reflects on the events of the night, one thing is clear: Jill Biden is the true MVP of the Biden administration. Without her, who knows what kind of chaos and confusion would reign supreme? So let us all take a moment to thank the First Lady for her bravery, her quick thinking, and her unwavering commitment to keeping Joe Biden on the straight and narrow.
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