US Politics


OPINION| Fellow Patriots, hold onto your MAGA hats, because the Biden campaign is at it again with their shady tactics! In a move that will shock absolutely no one, the Biden camp has refused to commit to a drug test before the big debate. Can you believe it? They’re trying to pull a fast one on the American people!

President Trump, being the fearless leader that he is, has been calling for both candidates to take a drug test before the debate. It’s a reasonable request, right? We want to make sure that Sleepy Joe isn’t getting any extra help to stay awake and coherent on that stage. But the Biden campaign has balked at the idea, refusing to commit to a drug test. What are they hiding?

This refusal speaks volumes about the Biden campaign’s lack of transparency and integrity. If they have nothing to hide, why not take the test and prove it? But no, they’d rather dodge the issue and keep the American people in the dark. It’s a classic move from the radical left – avoid accountability at all costs.

President Trump, on the other hand, has always been open and honest with the American people. He’s not afraid to take a drug test because he knows he has nothing to hide. He’s a man of integrity, and that’s why we love him.

This refusal by the Biden campaign should raise some serious red flags for all Americans. If they’re not willing to commit to a simple drug test, what else are they hiding? We need a leader who is transparent and accountable, not someone who dodges important questions and refuses to be honest with the American people.

President Trump has always put America first, and he’s not afraid to stand up for what’s right. He’s not afraid to call out the radical left and their shady tactics. We need a leader who will fight for us, not one who hides behind excuses and refuses to be honest.

So, my fellow Trump supporters, let’s not let the Biden campaign get away with this. We need to hold them accountable and demand transparency. We need a leader who will put America first, not one who hides behind excuses and refuses to be honest. Let’s show the world that we won’t stand for this kind of behavior from our leaders.

In the end, it all comes down to trust. Do we trust a candidate who refuses to commit to a drug test, or do we trust a leader who has always been open and honest with the American people? The choice is clear, my friends. Let’s stand with President Trump and demand transparency from our leaders. Together, we can Make America Great Again!
EDDITOR’S NOTE: If you are pulled over for suspicion of Driving While Intoxicated and you refuse a Breathalyzer or blood test … you get the same punishment as had you taken the test and failed.  What other reason does Biden have not to take the test other than it would reveal the drugs he is being dropped up with so he can quasi function? I’ll Wait …
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